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Showing posts from April, 2009

Love the opera, hate Scott Rudin

I t's been a long while in between postings and that's my fault. I want to write, really I do. I need to write, as a venting process. I must write more, to become a better writer (and a typist.) I have to write, for the successful future of me, not for the fame of being a published author. My writing resume speaks for itself- More on that later. The quote below comes from an old co-worker. I worked at the Metropolitan Opera House Call Center. Yes, boys and girls I worked as as Customer Service Rep or CSR or whatever clever name the term spinners in marketing are using now. Working at the Met gave me an education in snobbery, corporate greed and all things opera, and I loved it. Hated management but loved my job. " Tell hayseed over there to comb the hay out of his hair. We're in the city now, let's try to act like it !" Bad Sam @ work 11-23-1999 Sam said this aloud after answering a call from what he considered the lowest of the low...the general public. Usua...